Dr West

Dr Henry West is a mad scientist who wants revenge on Tim. He was the one who told the Order about his fluffy secret and also gave Lisa a new, laser eye, in the hopes that she'd go after him, too (Lesson One: Vampires). Exactly what happened between them hasn't been revealed yet, but it's connected to a mission in San Diego, in which Tim assisted his mentor, Ben.

His interests are varied. He does vivisections, applies cybernetic implants, and has built a time machine that he uses to steal artifacts from around the timeline to pay for his projects. He also likes to collect historical figures, like Genghis Khan, whom he made his housekeeper (Mummy Issues).


Dr West was originally going to be a descendant of Dr Frankenstein, but instead got the name from another famous mad scientist - Herbert West. However, both he and Dr Svenson owe more to comic book mad scientists like Mister Sinister.